Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye 2007, Hello 2008

It seems like yesterday was just the 1st of Jan 2007, now it's coming to an end. 2007 has been a blast for me.

2007 was a year which had me furthering myself in terms of brains and brawns. haha. I started my degree course in 2007 and also this was my 2nd year into endurance events like marathon and triathlon.

Pursing a degree while holding down a full-time job and finding time to train for marathon and triathlon was tough. Your social life takes a hit and it seems like I was busy for the whole year.

Weekdays was spent burying myself in work and going for classes at night. If I have the energy in the morning, I will go for an early morning run. Saturdays usually consists of early morning swim and run and followed by catching up on my full-time job work and my study workload.

Sunday is when I usually do my long distance running/biking. I will run more than 25km or bike at least 100km and will spent the rest of the Sunday afternoon napping.

These are the highlights of 2007:

Getting a tri-bike (biking those miles away on the bike makes me feel like I am 10 again. :)

Achieved a personal best for my marathon runtime about 8 mins faster.

Good results and news for career wise and my degree.

Now for 2008

Pass the freaking Biathlon swim trial for 1.5km in under 40 mins.
Run a sub-4 marathon.
Complete the Singapore Ironman 70.3
Complete the Western Australia Ironman
Graduate from my degree program with outstanding results. :)

So anyone wanna be my support crew for Ironman Western Australia 2008?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dawn Riders

I have been joining this Dawn Riders for group rides. Their usual weekend ride is about 60km but coming from Woodlands add another 40km to me.

This group has pretty strong riders like Kyne, Reave, Weiheng, Damian, Zahid, WK. Averaging cruising speed was 38km/hr-40km/hr Scary!!! I have a hard time keeping up with them if I was not drafting. Nearly got dropped.

Average speed for a 100km ride on my cateye was 31km/hr which usually makes out to a speed of at least 38km/hr when cruising.

Good fun ride. But riding in a group make me realised that tri-bikes are not really for group riding and they're not good for hill climbs. It's good for courses that are flat and rolling hills. But if you were to attack a hill with a tri-bike, I may need more training.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Triathlon Training Videos

Some videos for triathlon training.

I admit that I have the following faults for my freestyle.

Over stretching, low elbow and dropped elbow.

Efficient Swimming

And riding on a triathlon bike.

ActiveDotcom on youtube has lotsa Dave Scott Ironman training videos
Check it out

Sunday, December 02, 2007

SCSM 2007 (a new personal best)

hours before race

Alarm clocks rings and off I jump outta my bed. I was feeling good as I did catch some sleep unlike previous races. Made myself 3 slices of peanut butter bread, a banana, and a cup of coffee for my marathon day breakfast. I did some light stretches at home to loosen the muscles. Round up my breakfast with a bottle of 100plus.

Start Line to 10km - Time taken 54:15 10km= 54:15

I got myself into the sub-4 pen. I was really hoping to break the sub-4 barrier as I have been thinking about it since last year. The weather was cool and windy and it felt like 23C. The horn went off and I was caught behind runners doing 6.5min/km pace. Took me about 2km to get out of them. I felt strong in the first 10km although my left knee felt a little sore.

Overtook some animiles runners but .......

10km to 20km mark - Time taken 50:50 20km = 1:45:05

I saw the trifam 3:45 pacers and run behind them for a good 10km. I felt that they were going a little too fast and their pace was a fast 5:10min/km and maybe they were running based on the gun-time. Felt strong and since my intention is to break sub-4, might as well follow their pace. Followed them till ECP before I lose them.

I saw a group of Japanese runners at the 14km stretch. They were doing a good 4:50min/km pace and I noticed someone leading the pack, it was a man running BAREFOOT! Yes you heard it, BAREFOOT! He overtook me with a 4:50min/km pace BAREFOOT! Those soles must on his feet must be like rubber. OUCH the thought of running barefoot give me the chills. It must have hurt.

I was running a little fast now as you can see my pace was a fast 5min/km. It took me about 1:50 to reach the half marathon mark.

20km to 30km mark - time taken 56:45 30km = 2:41:51

In the 20km to 30km, I was finding it hard to find someone to pace. Most of them were too fast and overtaking me. Proofs that I was losing steam and I will hit the wall soon. I had some power gel at the 30km mark to give myself some motivation and refuel the depleted glycogen.

I was still doing good at the 30km mark, but as always, the marathon only begins after 34km.

30km to 40km - time taken 1:11 40km = 3:53:37

I hit the wall at Mountbatten Road at the 34km mark. I knew I will hit the wall soon as I was running too fast for the first 30km. Each aid station seem like too far apart from each other. By now, the sun was out in full force and was blazing down on me. I splash more water on me at each aid station to cool off the heat.

I cramped after 36km, HIT the wall. Now, I knew that for the next 6km, it will be hell. I struggled to run and walked 50% of the time. Reenactment of last year scenario.

I really struggled at this part and in my heart, I was still hoping to break the sub-4 barrier. Along Kallang Road, it proved too much for me and I stopped to stretch my calf. It was really a torture with the heat blazing down on me and my body keep on saying no. There was a part when my body was telling my mind, hey stop hey stop! I wanna sleep. But I pushed on.

40km to finish = time taken 19:51

From the 40km mark, I was jumping for and not running. You know why? The cramped was out in full force and any movement of my knee will caused my muscles to pull. Fact of, I was limping. As you can see the 2km took me close to 20mins. a slow 10min/km pace.

At the last aid station, I joked to the volunteers, my hair messy? Going to finish and need a nice photo to wrap the day off.

Finally, the cramp was too much for me to bear and just before the esplande bridge, about 500m from the finishing line, I cramped and lie flat on the ground, hands covering my face. Grimacing in pain. Both legs were im-mobilise, cant move them at all.

A guy and lady rushed over to me. Gave me some words of encouragement. They were shouting, are you OK, are you OK?

After about 2 minutes of lying on the floor, and some light stretchingI got up with the guy's help and continued running. Thanks, mate!!! You made my day. After 42km of running, your body will do crazy things. Like cramping both of your legs up at the same time.

At the final stretch, I was high-fiving all the supporters along the finish line. I got the crowd crazy by dancing to the song played out over the speakers!! That has got to be the highlight of the race. haha.

Round up
Finish my second marathon in 4:13:25 chip time, an 8 minute improvement from last year. A new personal best but the sub-4 timing is still eluding me.

Guess it will be next year before I can break the magical 4 hour barrier and join the elite sub-4 club. :)

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Pre-Race Day

Finally, after 4 months of long weekend runs, it is 1 day to the Standard Chartered Marathon 2007. Looking back I have clocked 520km in training runs in 3 months.

Much lesser than last year, but I am feeling good. I feel so good that I can conquer the 42.195km in 3:45 hours.

Colleagues and friends have been asking me, why do I want to do such endurance activities. Like marathon and ironman. My answer has always been, it seems like such a difficult task to complete and I want to challenge myself. I have never sought to compete against anyone except myself. I better myself in everything I do. And also, doing activities like this helps one to learn how to cope with stress in life.

So here's the breakdown for tommorrow's race.

10km: 53 min
20km: 1:46 hours
30km: 2:39 hours
40km: 3:33
42km: 3:45

Should be "do-able" I am very SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!